Luisa Alina Kinat, M. Sc.

30823 Garbsen

Time-separated stochastic mechanics for non-linear materials at large deformations
Variations in physical measurements and production processes lead to uncertainties in material properties. Therefore, safety factors are typically used in design processes. The resulting lower resource efficiency has a negative impact on sustainability in mechanical engineering and construction.
In the research area of uncertainty quantification, this procedure is optimized by considering uncertainties already in the material models. Time-separated stochastic mechanics (TSM) is a new approach to integrate stochastic variables into numerical simulations of material behavior with very little additional computational effort. So far, the method can be used for linear material models. In order to simulate increasingly complex material behavior, the application will be extended to finite visco-elasticity and finite visco-plasticity. To further generalize TSM, softening materials with finite kinematics will be included in the next step. Finally, the formulation of the local TSM models with kinematic and material non-linearity allows for the analysis of the stochastic influence of material parameters, such as the elasticity constants, on the stochasticity of the reaction stress and thus on the material strength.
Curriculum Vitae
since 2024 | Research associate at the Institute of Continuum Mechanics |
2022-2024 | Tire Development Engineer at Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH in Hanover |
2021-2023 | Study of Global Manufacturing Management at Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (Master of Science, "very good") |
2019-2022 | Study of Mechanical Engineering at Leibniz University Hanover (Master of Science, "with distinction") |
2015-2019 | Study of Production Technology at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hanover (Bachelor of Engineering, "very good") |
2015-2017 | Vocational training as Process Mechanic for Plastic and Rubber Technology at Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH in Hanover |