Numerical simulation includes the modeling of real systems and processes as well as the solution of mathematical equations. The IKM provides students in both disciplines with all the necessary basics to optimally master the engineering challenges of the future. In the first semesters, we teach the basics of engineering mechanics. By reduction to the most important properties, an analytical solution of mechanical systems is possible here. The courses Continuum Mechanics I & II extend the modeling to real dynamical systems. The resulting differential equations can no longer be solved analytically. Therefore, students in the courses Finite Elements I & II learn the standard solution method for differential equations. In addition, we offer further elective courses that provide in-depth knowledge in many modern engineering applications.
Contact for consultation hours and questions about the content of lectures
30823 Garbsen
Kontakt für allgemeine Fragen zu Studien- und Abschlussarbeiten
30823 Garbsen