Hyper-Parameter Optimization of Stacked Asymmetric Auto-Encoders for Automatic Personality Traits Perception

authored by
Effat Jalaeian Zaferani, Mohammad Teshnehlab, Amirreza Khodadadian, Clemens Heitzinger, Mansour Vali, Nima Noii, Thomas Wick

In this work, a method for automatic hyper-parameter tuning of the stacked asymmetric auto-encoder is proposed. In previous work, the deep learning ability to extract personality perception from speech was shown, but hyper-parameter tuning was attained by trial-and-error, which is time-consuming and requires machine learning knowledge. Therefore, obtaining hyper-parameter values is challenging and places limits on deep learning usage. To address this challenge, researchers have applied optimization methods. Although there were successes, the search space is very large due to the large number of deep learning hyper-parameters, which increases the probability of getting stuck in local optima. Researchers have also focused on improving global optimization methods. In this regard, we suggest a novel global optimization method based on the cultural algorithm, multi-island and the concept of parallelism to search this large space smartly. At first, we evaluated our method on three well-known optimization benchmarks and compared the results with recently published papers. Results indicate that the convergence of the proposed method speeds up due to the ability to escape from local optima, and the precision of the results improves dramatically. Afterward, we applied our method to optimize five hyper-parameters of an asymmetric auto-encoder for automatic personality perception. Since inappropriate hyper-parameters lead the network to over-fitting and under-fitting, we used a novel cost function to prevent over-fitting and under-fitting. As observed, the unweighted average recall (accuracy) was improved by 6.52% (9.54%) compared to our previous work and had remarkable outcomes compared to other published personality perception works.

Institute of Applied Mathematics
Institute of Continuum Mechanics
External Organisation(s)
K.N. Toosi University of Technology
TU Wien (TUW)
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Analytical Chemistry, Information Systems, Biochemistry, Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics, Instrumentation, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Electronic version(s)
https://doi.org/10.3390/s22166206 (Access: Open)

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