Symbolically generated 3D smooth polynomial frictional contact element based on the quartic bézier surfaces

authored by
Lovre Krstulovic-Opara, Peter Wriggers, Joze Korelc

A new 3D smooth triangular frictional node to surface contact element is developed using an abstract symbolical programming approach. Such element is used in combination with tetrahedral continuum elements suitable for the automatic mesh generation. Smooth contact surface description is based on the six quartic Bézier surfaces. The weak formulation and the penalty method are formulated for the description of large deformation frictional contact problems. The presented approach, based on a non-associated frictional law and elastic-plastic tangential slip decomposition, results into quadratic rate of convergence within the Newton-Raphson iteration loop.

Institute of Mechanics and Computational Mechanics
External Organisation(s)
University of Ljubljana
Conference contribution
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Artificial Intelligence, Applied Mathematics

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