Ján Pravda, M. Sc.

Ján Pravda, M. Sc.
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
Ján Pravda, M. Sc.
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen

Multi-scale and phase topology optimization for components made of hybrid materials

Developments in the field of additive manufacturing are opening up new possibilities for producing complex components. These can consist of several materials (e.g. steel and aluminum alloys) and have specific micro- and macrostructures. So-called hybrid porous materials are the focus of the Collaborative Research Center / Transregio (TRR) 375: "Multifunctional high-performance components made of hybrid porous materials (HyPo materials)", of which the IKM is also a part.

Our task is to design the most optimal component based on given boundary conditions. For this purpose, we use thermodynamic topology optimization, which we extend to encompass the properties of the HyPo materials. The optimization is carried out both at the macro level (shape of the component, porosity and material composition) and at the micro level (actual microstructure) and is therefore very computationally intensive. To speed up the process, a suitable neural network is being developed that should deliver an optimal and manufacturable microstructure after training.

The project is in close cooperation with other sub-projects of the TRR 375 research network, with the aim of gaining a holistic insight into HyPo materials.

Curriculum Vitae

since 2024 Research associate at the Institute of Continuum Mechanics
2020-2023 Master of Science (Angewandte Wissenschaften im Maschinenbau - Mechatronik) at the Czech technical university in Prague
2021-2022 Erasmus+ Austauschstudent at TU Berlin
2021 Student internship at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (project of a 9-degree-of-freedom robotic cell for automated welding of plastic containers)
2017-2020 Bachelor of Science (Theoretische Grundlagen des Maschinenbaus) at the Czech technical university in Prague