Since the beginning of the last semester the new bachelor project is part of the study program. Students of mechanical engineering shall be given a first insight into the project work aß an engineer. Besides the technical solution of a given problem, the tasks include the organization of the project in the group and the presentation of the results. At IKM the task was the construction of a crash structure based on a passenger cell. A chicken egg should be protected from a defined impact. The students had to deal with elements for the absorption of energy and combine them usefully. As a special element, 3D printers were available for the production and tailored assembly. At the end of the project a competition took place at the IKM. The designs had to score in various categories such as weight, dimensions and function. A specially constructed cable car provided the necessary drive, which was stopped abruptly on a wall. After all the theoretical considerations, the students thus were able to receive a handson feedback about the strengths and weaknesses of their designs. At the end, a winner could be chosen.