Wear and Defect Simulation without Remeshing using the X-FEM
Wear is a slow process caused by repetitive loads transmitted through the interaction of two solids in contact. Usually, the wear simulation using finite elements works in a loop and performs a series of static simulations with updated surface geometries to get a realistic contact pressure and sliding distribution. These variables are used in the Archard's model to obtain the wear depth with respect top the initial surface of the bodies after a number of cycles.
We propose an X-FEM based method to simulate surface wear of two bodies in contact subject to relative sliding. Unlike the FEM approach, the X-FEM does not need remeshing of the solids because the surface geometry of the finite element model is obtained by cutting a regular 2D mesh by the theoretical wear surface obtained from the Archard's law. The X-FEM approach can also be used to analyze other kind of defects as cracks or wheel flat or flange defects. Two main subjects have to be considered: the solution of frictional contact problems in the context of X-FEM and the strategy to obtain an accurate surface description and the contact variables to damage evolution laws.
Mittwoch, 08.12.2010, 14:30 Uhr, IKM Bibliothek