The 2. MUSIC Summer School on “Multiscale Modeling of Interfaces and Advanced Solution Techniques” has taken place in Hannover, Sept. 8-12. This time about 60 participants, coming from 5 countries, having 15 different nationalities, followed 26 lectures, given by 12 renowned scientists. As for the collaboration with our partner university, the ENS in Cachan, France, it was organized as a german-french summer school, also supported by the Franco-German University, Saarbrücken.
The late summer sun welcomed the group at the campus Herrenhausen and the courses could be followed up in the green atmosphere of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences. Of course, the offered Hannover-sightseeing tours within the social program enriched the 5-days-stay.
The banquet dinner on Thursday highlighted this scientific get-together, hearing farewells from the participants like “hope to see you next time!“.